Thursday, December 29, 2016

Ashley and Meeko at the Lakefront

There are two things that I love in this world, my family, and dogs. Seriously, I can not remember a day of my life that I didn't own a dog. So when Ashley contacted me about doing her holiday photos with her dog Meeko, I jumped on it. We decided on Celebration Lakefront park and strolled our way around the lake on an adventure, and I am not sure who had a better time, me, Ashley, or Meeko. Our morning was filled with good conversation, laughs, puppy dog kisses, hugs, and lots of fun all around. I really really love photographing pets, and I am hoping I get to spend more time with people and their furbabies in the coming year. But until then, have a peek at our morning at the lakefront. 

Crystal Freeze is a photographer based out of Central Florida with over 6 years experience working with children and families.  For booking information please email or visit

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Post Holiday Roundup!

So the holiday season is officially coming to a close. We have New Years Eve, and New Years Day. And then we will bid farewell to 2016 and our holiday season as we go into 2017, where we will close out the holidays with Three Kings Day . I LOVE where 2016 took me. I love the people who I got to meet, the families who I got to work with, I explored new places, did a couple of new things, and discovered a few things that I actually love doing. Who would have thought that Bok Tower Garden was so beautiful? Or that I really love working with and photographing pets? (Blog on that session coming soon! ) I was truly blessed to be able to work with the families that I got to work with, and to go to the places I was able to adventure out to. So with that, here are a few of my all time favorite holiday memories from this Holiday season.

We have a few cool things up our sleeves for 2017 too! From paint parties to Valentines day minis, Bok Tower spring fairy and knight sessions to summer fun, easter minis and summer/4th of July sessions. I truly thank you all from the bottom of my heart for making 2016 so wonderful, and look forward to capturing 2017! 

Crystal Freeze is a photographer based out of Central Florida with over 6 years experience working with children and families.  For booking information please email or visit

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Celebration photos with the Adams Family

I have known the Adams family for about 2 years now. It was one of those cases where the loss of a mutual friend had brought new friends together. Katie was pregnant with baby Z, and Lil D was still a baby himself. We ended up meeting at Tilted Kilt at a get together to honor our Friend Wayne, the place seemed fitting of his personality and love for all things Irish, Beer, Friends, Fun, and Food. Shortly after arriving a friendship grew. I was contacted by Danny to do family photos for him since they hadn't had any in forever, and there had been BIG changes in their family since the last time we met. If some of you dont know, I am a momma to boys. My life REVOLVES around all things boy, nerf, cars, Mario Bros, and the organized chaos that is raising boys. We had a blast doing family photos for Danny and Katie and the boys, PLUS the addition of their nephew B, who was just too adorable for words. Oh, and J made sure to point out the sweet baby alligator that was hanging out in the lake, and exclaimed "HEY! He's cool! I want a picture of him on my wall!" So, I made sure that J got his Gator picture. I appreciate kids who love gators, I am a gator lover myself :) 

Crystal Freeze is a photographer based out of Central Florida with over 6 years experience working with children and families.  For booking information please email or visit

Prust Family at Bok Tower Gardens, Lake Wales, Florida

The other day, I had the pleasure of photographing the Prust family at Bok Tower Gardens, in Lake Wales, Florida. I have been a Florida resident literally my entire life. When I was little I was OBSESSED with Spook Hill, yet I had no idea that Bok Tower even existed. Fast forward to Christina needing family photos, and seeing all of these beautiful images online of the gardens themselves, and I KNEW that I had to go there. So away we went for a small day trip, and boy, these gardens are stunning. I dont know who was more in awe of them and the singing tower, myself or the kids. Nonetheless it was a great day, even through the crying and the heat, and a big plus? Noone jumped in the water! Big points there. Here is a little preview of our photo session in the gardens, at the singing tower. 

Crystal Freeze is a photographer based out of Central Florida with over 6 years experience working with children and families.  For booking information please email or visit