Thursday, December 29, 2016

Ashley and Meeko at the Lakefront

There are two things that I love in this world, my family, and dogs. Seriously, I can not remember a day of my life that I didn't own a dog. So when Ashley contacted me about doing her holiday photos with her dog Meeko, I jumped on it. We decided on Celebration Lakefront park and strolled our way around the lake on an adventure, and I am not sure who had a better time, me, Ashley, or Meeko. Our morning was filled with good conversation, laughs, puppy dog kisses, hugs, and lots of fun all around. I really really love photographing pets, and I am hoping I get to spend more time with people and their furbabies in the coming year. But until then, have a peek at our morning at the lakefront. 

Crystal Freeze is a photographer based out of Central Florida with over 6 years experience working with children and families.  For booking information please email or visit

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